Today I am in Chicago. It was such a gorgeous day here - mid 70s and nothing but sunshine. The whole weekend is supposed to be the same. I'm really excited because my friend Leanne from Australia is coming into town - I met her last summer in Melbourne and she and her fiance have since moved to NY so they are coming to check out da Chi for Labor Day. We're going on the Chicago Architecture Foundation cruise tomorrow, which is one of my very favorite things to do in Chicago when the weather is nice. I've been on this tour about 4 times and it's never the same. Be sure to check it out if you are in town.
I am in Chicago this weekend and then back to Atlanta next week. Then.....drum's the big half marathon weekend! I am thoroughly unprepared and am banking on the fact that I've done this before to get me through. Hopefully it won't be 100 degrees (or 30, which is a possibility, too). You can see my results at on September 9.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wednesday, August 29
Today I am in Atlanta. Nothing much new to report except that it rained here today, which seemed to be cause for great celebration among the locals. My allergies certainly rejoiced, as I have been coughing since yesterday in a harsh and phlegm-ish manner unbefitting a refined woman such as myself.
I finished reading "Eat, Pray, Love" over the weekend and can say without a doubt that I haven't read a book in a while that had such an impact on me. It's the memoir of a woman who decides to heal from a broken marriage and a broken post-marriage relationship by traveling to Italy, India, and Indonesia (Bali really, but that's not as aliterate). I'll have to post some of the more meaningful quotes here, but overall the book made a lot of sense to me and has me thinking that I need to take a similar journey. I think I've lived the last 2 years of my life like the 5 years before it didn't even happen. There are moments when I admire my stoicism, but there comes a point where stoicism meets stubborness that it detaches you from reality a bit. In other words, you become so used to the concept of "I can take it" that you can't or don't acknowledge emotions - either yours or others. I guess most people call that being numb.
I finished reading "Eat, Pray, Love" over the weekend and can say without a doubt that I haven't read a book in a while that had such an impact on me. It's the memoir of a woman who decides to heal from a broken marriage and a broken post-marriage relationship by traveling to Italy, India, and Indonesia (Bali really, but that's not as aliterate). I'll have to post some of the more meaningful quotes here, but overall the book made a lot of sense to me and has me thinking that I need to take a similar journey. I think I've lived the last 2 years of my life like the 5 years before it didn't even happen. There are moments when I admire my stoicism, but there comes a point where stoicism meets stubborness that it detaches you from reality a bit. In other words, you become so used to the concept of "I can take it" that you can't or don't acknowledge emotions - either yours or others. I guess most people call that being numb.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sunday, August 26
Today I am in Chicago. It has finally stopped raining here. The storms we had on Thursday were unlike anything I have ever seen - the sky turned as black as night but there was this creepy underlayer of yellowish was really spooky. As it happened I was working in the suburbs that day, and we all had to move to the interior of the building due to a tornado warning. It brought back fond memories of retreating to the basement of our house in Holland, Michigan with my mom and sister during a similar storm in the 70s - I remember feeling like we were on an adventure. The American Midwest in summer....a hotbed of potentially lethal meteorological phenomena....
Later today I am flying to Long Island, and then on to Atlanta. I have a feeling the next several months are going to be really busy...
Later today I am flying to Long Island, and then on to Atlanta. I have a feeling the next several months are going to be really busy...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tuesday, August 21
Today I am in Chicago. Yesterday I found out that I don't have to be anywhere else this week! Amazing! The last few weeks have been kind of rough with traveling so this was a welcome reprieve. The kittens are looking at me strangely, as though I've interrupted their social schedule. Or maybe they just want naps. Hard to say.
In my LAX delay-induced blogapalooza the other day, I mentioned that I saw my friend Adria Tennor after 18 years. 18 years, people!! She gave me a DVD of her one woman show, "Strip Search," which I watched tonight. She was amazing in it - playing characters ranging from her parents, many ex-boyfriends, and a not-too-hard-to-spot composite character that has to be based, in part, on one of our high school teachers. And she dances. On a pole. In stripper shoes. It's almost impossible for me to even contemplate the thoughts that might lead to a time when I would ever consider doing something that ballsy and she's doing it. Mwah, Adria! The best part for me was getting to catch up her life over the past many years, and also see what an awesome actress she is (still).
I ran 10 miles on Sunday. Ouch.
In my LAX delay-induced blogapalooza the other day, I mentioned that I saw my friend Adria Tennor after 18 years. 18 years, people!! She gave me a DVD of her one woman show, "Strip Search," which I watched tonight. She was amazing in it - playing characters ranging from her parents, many ex-boyfriends, and a not-too-hard-to-spot composite character that has to be based, in part, on one of our high school teachers. And she dances. On a pole. In stripper shoes. It's almost impossible for me to even contemplate the thoughts that might lead to a time when I would ever consider doing something that ballsy and she's doing it. Mwah, Adria! The best part for me was getting to catch up her life over the past many years, and also see what an awesome actress she is (still).
I ran 10 miles on Sunday. Ouch.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
10:17 PM: Philip Seymour Hoffman just walked into the American first class lounge.
I really want to take a picture of him with my camera phone but I'm afraid he'll see me and freak out and they won't ever let me back in this place (and I'm already here under somewhat suspect credentials, so I can afford no breaches of etiquette).
This night keep getting better.
In case you're not sure who Philip Seymour Hoffman is, he's this guy:

This night keep getting better.
In case you're not sure who Philip Seymour Hoffman is, he's this guy:

August 18, 2007 - again
Right now I am at LAX. I was supposed to fly back to Chicago at 2:30pm but due to some "system glitch" (as explained to me by the gate agent) I should never have been booked on that flight because it was already oversold. They couldn't get me on, nor could they get me on either the 3:50 or 5;15pm flights. I am now booked on a flight that leaves LA at 11:20pm and arrives Chicago at 5:55am. Because of my inability to sleep on planes, taking the red eye home will screw me up for days. As such, I am feeling very sorry for myself at the moment. The one shred of good news is that I was able to "negotiate" my way into the American Airlines First Class lounge, so although I have to sit here for another 6 hours I at least get to drink champagne and sit in a comfy chair while doing it. The last time I was in this same lounge I was heading to Australia for the last time - what a different feeling that was. It fills me with a lot of nostalgia because of I was dating someone I was traveling with....and it made sitting in this lounge and being on that flight a lot more fun that how I feel right now. :)
Saturday, August 18
Today I am in Glendale, CA. I had a meeting in Burbank yesterday. I haven't been in LA in a while....but it doesn't seem to have changed much. Mountains, check. Ocean, check. Traffic and smog and tons of sunshine, check, check, check. I am glad to be flying home today; I'm not sure if it's the distance or the time zone, but being on the West Coast always makes me feel a little farther away from home than usual.
The best part of my trip was seeing my old friend, Adria Tennor. She's an actress here and is doing really well. I haven't seen her in 18 years and it was amazing to find that in many ways we're the same people we were in junior high. We had an awesome dinner at Pizzeria Mozza (a new venture between Mario Batali and Nancy Silverton from La Brea Bakery) and it was just wonderful to catch up with Adria. Goes to show you that good friends, even in 8th grade, are sometimes good friends for reasons that don't include the coolness of your clothes.
The best part of my trip was seeing my old friend, Adria Tennor. She's an actress here and is doing really well. I haven't seen her in 18 years and it was amazing to find that in many ways we're the same people we were in junior high. We had an awesome dinner at Pizzeria Mozza (a new venture between Mario Batali and Nancy Silverton from La Brea Bakery) and it was just wonderful to catch up with Adria. Goes to show you that good friends, even in 8th grade, are sometimes good friends for reasons that don't include the coolness of your clothes.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday, August 12
Today I am in Gaithersburg, MD. My dad turned 65 today and so my sister, niece, and I spent the day with him and Rita. It was really nice to actually celebrate a family member's birthday in person for once in a long while!
Kate is really turning into a young lady (though "lady" is a generous term for a girl who still lifts her skirt up every now and then). There are times when she reminds me *so* much of myself....especially now that she's all into playing songs and dancing while we all play captive audience. "Lay-tees and gentlemen," she would say, "pronouncing the next song....'Apple Bean!'"
I will be in Chicago through midweek next week and then off to Burbank for a client meeting - and where I will also get the chance to see my old friend Adria Tennor who I haven't seen in 18 years!!! She's an actress living in LA....further proof that I have many friends who have stuck with their passions and made it work. Perhaps I could learn something from this....
It was a really great weekend at home and can't believe it's over already.
Kate is really turning into a young lady (though "lady" is a generous term for a girl who still lifts her skirt up every now and then). There are times when she reminds me *so* much of myself....especially now that she's all into playing songs and dancing while we all play captive audience. "Lay-tees and gentlemen," she would say, "pronouncing the next song....'Apple Bean!'"
I will be in Chicago through midweek next week and then off to Burbank for a client meeting - and where I will also get the chance to see my old friend Adria Tennor who I haven't seen in 18 years!!! She's an actress living in LA....further proof that I have many friends who have stuck with their passions and made it work. Perhaps I could learn something from this....
It was a really great weekend at home and can't believe it's over already.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Tuesday, August 7
Today I am in Paramus, NJ. It's hot and humid and I'm flying tonight out of Newark Airport, which yesterday earned the prize for Most Airport Delays in June 2007. I'll be home tomorrow and then Rochester, NY on Thursday and home with the family over the weekend. Since Randy is out of town, I have proposed to Rachel that we have a girls only slumber party over the weekend.
So...I've been mulling over my choice on the Democratic nominee. I was really leaning towards Obama, but I think I'm going to support Hillary Clinton. I don't take this choice lightly, but I think that having Bill Clinton that close to the presidency would be a very good thing for our country. Plus, I really like the way that Hillary Clinton has handled herself over the last month or so and think that Obama's inexperience in foreign affairs is starting to show.
So...I've been mulling over my choice on the Democratic nominee. I was really leaning towards Obama, but I think I'm going to support Hillary Clinton. I don't take this choice lightly, but I think that having Bill Clinton that close to the presidency would be a very good thing for our country. Plus, I really like the way that Hillary Clinton has handled herself over the last month or so and think that Obama's inexperience in foreign affairs is starting to show.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
John Henry is a Star!
I can't stop talking about this pitbull named John Henry who was on "Larry King Live" last week, and now you can see why. I knew this kid was a star!
Saturday, August 4
Today I am back at home in Chicago. Whew! Kittens weren't quite sure who I was when I got home but we quickly re-established my role in the family. They are now happily sleeping within a few feet of me (or inches, in Dewey's case).
I finally downloaded my Vancouver photos - here are few goodies:
Here's Wayne and I having dinner on Saturday....Wayne's expression is owing to the fabulousness of our tasting menu dinner.
A post-dinner glass of champagne....or maybe this was pre-dinner....or sometime the day before.....
Here is a photo from our trip up Indian Arm:
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Wednesday, August 1
Today I am in Atlanta. Wow - I can't believe it's August already! I just found out that I have to be in NY on Friday, so I think that means 2 countries and 5 states in 5 days: a new Betsy record.
It's hot and humid (or "close," as my old friend Sean Lawton used to say) here in Atlanta. The weather in Vancouver was gorgeous - sunny and in the 70s. Wayne and I took a cruise up Indian Arm on Saturday (north of Vancouver and only accessible by boat and seaplane). We arrived about 10 minutes late (in typical Betsy and Wayne fashion) and thought for sure they would have left without us - but no! They waited, and we were really embarassed as we were led to our reserved table among all of the other people who had bothered to show up on time. Embarassment aside, I'm really glad we went and will post some photos when I return home at the end of the week.
We had two fabulous dinners - one that was part fresh shellfish, part fresh sushi, and part red meat. Yum, yum, and YUM! The next night we had a tasting menu at Cin Cin, an Italian restaurant not far from our hotel. It came complete with wine pairings and was one of the best dining experiences I have ever had. I was concerned before we left that we wouldn't be able to spend the $1500 allocated for the trip as part of my award - it turned out to be nooooo problem. Here's a photo of us on Friday night (notice my superfantastic v-neck sunburn...I was planning to go on an 8-mile run and wound up running more like 12 because I got lost....).
It's hot and humid (or "close," as my old friend Sean Lawton used to say) here in Atlanta. The weather in Vancouver was gorgeous - sunny and in the 70s. Wayne and I took a cruise up Indian Arm on Saturday (north of Vancouver and only accessible by boat and seaplane). We arrived about 10 minutes late (in typical Betsy and Wayne fashion) and thought for sure they would have left without us - but no! They waited, and we were really embarassed as we were led to our reserved table among all of the other people who had bothered to show up on time. Embarassment aside, I'm really glad we went and will post some photos when I return home at the end of the week.
We had two fabulous dinners - one that was part fresh shellfish, part fresh sushi, and part red meat. Yum, yum, and YUM! The next night we had a tasting menu at Cin Cin, an Italian restaurant not far from our hotel. It came complete with wine pairings and was one of the best dining experiences I have ever had. I was concerned before we left that we wouldn't be able to spend the $1500 allocated for the trip as part of my award - it turned out to be nooooo problem. Here's a photo of us on Friday night (notice my superfantastic v-neck sunburn...I was planning to go on an 8-mile run and wound up running more like 12 because I got lost....).

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