Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday, January 16

Today I am in Chicago. I am leaving for Cabo tomorrow - yippee! The race is on Saturday. I feel so prepared. I have done a few short runs this week and each one has felt awesome. I am hoping to have my personal best half marathon time here (known as a Personal Record, or PR, in running jargon...) of sub 2:30. Certainly not setting any world records, but it would be a big personal achievement and one that shows me I am ready to take my running to the next level. I was thinking today about how different it feels to run a few miles now and how your body really can adjust to longer distances to where the shorter ones feel almost effortless. It also reaffirms what I have known since I started running: if I can do this, anyone can do this. When I started running, I could run for about 30 seconds before I would have to stop and walk. Then 30 became 90 and 180 and then I could run a mile. Then a 5K. And so on. And here I am a few years later and days away from my 4th half marathon. The human body is truly an amazing machine.

I am writing this blog from my new laptop - I bought myself a Sony VAIO SZ. It's snazzy. It is so much lighter than my work laptop and it has a pretty display.

I realize I didn't really write anything about the Obama fundraiser that I went to last week. There isn't a ton to say, except that he was there and spoke for about 15 minutes - I was about 50 feet away from him. He seemed a bit worn out, but still energetic and committed. I have to admit that Hillary Clinton has impressed me lately, but I still think she's so old guard and ultimately quite boring. I saw pictures of her recently on a stage with her husband and Madeline Albright - not exactly a snapshot of the next generation candidate (unless the future is somehow back to 1993).

More from Cabo in the days to come!!!

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