Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday, March 21

Today I am in Chicago and I JUST REGISTERED FOR THE CHICAGO MARATHON! Wow. Okay. I'm really going to do it this year. The first time I went to the website to check it out I got nervous just thinking about training for it - but now I feel calm about it, and know that I can do it if I train properly. I really want to start thinking and living more like an athlete. It makes me feel good to take care of myself, and running has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. I've made friends, improved my health, maintained my weight, seen lots of cities in ways that many people don't, achieved goals, and increased my belief that I can do the things I say I will do (I'm still working on that last part...). Running makes me a better person.

It snowed about 6 inches here today. I am so sick of this winter - it just won't END.

Here are photos of me in Tucson (I don't know who the people are in the first 4 photos).

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