Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 26

Today I am in Chicago, and technically it is Sunday but to me the day doesn't change until I have gone to sleep.

I was out with friends tonight and at some point the conversation turned to running. I was struck, not at all for the first time, that when this particular topic is raised my brain and body go into some sort of overdrive: I sit up straighter, I pay more attention to others' comments, I have many opportunities to give meaningful input. What I find even more interesting is that when I talk about running, people pay attention to what I'm saying. I don't mean that in a woe-is-me kind of way at all, but it strikes me that I have important things to say about running and that I am a pretty damn decent source of information on the subject. What strikes me even more is why on earth I don't just get off my ass (irony intended) and make this a bigger part of my life, i.e. take the plunge on opening a running store? I am utterly fascinated that I haven't done anything about this yet. I mean, how many people can say they know EXACTLY what they want to do, have the means to do it, and yet, somehow, don't do it? I must admit - the stronghold I've built around the idea that I won't succeed at this is quite impressive.

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