Thursday, October 11, 2007

Instant Message chat with my friend Jessica

I've decided to start posting transcripts of my instant message conversations with various friends. To me, they are hilarious. Here's one from today:

Betsy - the weirdest thing happened
Jessica - what?
Betsy - I was putting stuff in my gym bag today and I found a slip of paper in the pocket with a guy's name and phone number (not in my handwriting) - it had to have been put there intentionally but I have NO idea when - last time I used that bag was at a yoga class over the weekend, but before then it had been ages
Jessica - no way
Betsy - I'm dying to go to yoga again on Sunday and see if anyone's making eyes at me!
Jessica - how odd and flattering and odd
Betsy - I know
Betsy - and odd
Betsy - haha
Jessica- one would sort of expect the guy to approach you directly not sneak a note into your bag
Jessica - flattering
Jessica -but odd
Jessica - will you call it?
Betsy -I don't think so - what would I say? "Hi, uh, this is Betsy, and uh, I think you, uh, left your phone number in my gym bag like a stalker?"
Jessica -laughing
Jessica -out
Jessica -loud
Betsy - haha
Jessica -oh dear
Jessica -well , it's something!
Betsy - there were a couple of cuties in my yoga class but I think this would have been left by someone in the class preceding mine
Betsy - you aren't kidding!
Jessica -you should ask at the next class
Jessica - "hey, did one of you guys leave your name and number in my bag last week?"
Betsy - haha
Jessica - laughing
Betsy - I'll just announce it at the beginning of class
Jessica - exactly
Betsy - or better yet, ask my teacher to announce it
Jessica - good plan

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