Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wednesday, October 3

Today I am in Chicago. It's a gorgeous day here, which is a good thing because the Cubs' opening playoff game is tonight and I'd hate for lots of drunken Northside fans to be stumbling around in the cold or rain. Oh, and while I'm at it...Go, Indians!

Last night on The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert referred to Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) as "a poor man's Ted Kennedy." HA! I'm still laughing over that one. In other political news, I'm convinced that Rudy Giuliani is doomed and will drop out of the race - either over a marital discretion or an ill-timed shoplifting incident involving his wacko wife, Judith "Don't Call Me Judi or I'll Kick You in the Teeth" Nathan.

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