Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday, June 22

Today I am in London. I flew here Friday night on my way to Budapest. Wayne and I had a great day yesterday - we met up in the early afternoon and went shopping in the West End where I found a store that carries nothing but little dresses with empire waist sashes and cap sleeves. It was Betsy Elizabeth dress heaven. We wandered back towards Leicester Square for a couple of drinks, and then went to Le Beaujolais for a lovely bottle of Lirac and a snack of yummy, super stinky cheese. Then it was off to see Cabaret, and the night took a bit of an embarassing turn when I fell asleep midway through the first act. I woke up with a start during intermission and Wayne later told me he had to shake me three times to wake me up! Aye yi yi - guess I can't get two hours of sleep on a plane and drink half a bottle of wine and expect to remain conscious. We watched the end of the show and then went out for a post-show dinner of mussels and frites. Twelve hours of sleep later I am writing this from the Hilton London Bridge in my new happie loves it black polka dot dress and leggings and I am happy. Still sleepy, but happy. Off to Budapest tonight!

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