Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday, August 26

Today I am in Chicago. I am watching the Democratic National Convention and pondering how Mark Warner could have possibly wasted his keynote opportunity any more than he did. The Governor of Montana is currently on, and let me tell you - they should have given this guy the keynote (except that he keeps referring to Obama as "Barack OHHH-bama"). Speaking of politics I got the following e-card from my mother today:

Hillary Clinton. Wow. I have so much respect for her....that can't have been an easy speech to give, but she executed it flawlessly and, as Rachel Maddo of MSNBC said, will "move those who are movable." Perfect speech, perfect message, perfect execution. Bravo, Hillary!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday, August 14

Today I am in Chicago. My marathon training has definitely improved....I've done two, 13-mile runs in the past two weekends (including the Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon this past Sunday) and am feeling better about my marathon readiness. There was a point about midway through the CDC where I was a little tired but still running well, and I knew that I would definitely finish the race. That may sound strange considering it was my 8th half marathon, but there are usually these moments of doubt that cross my mind and I didn't really have any of those in this race. That was a positive sign to me. I feel better knowing that I'm following my training plan and that with each week, I am gaining confidence and putting more miles behind me.

My 20th high school reunion is this weekend. Yikes!

Here's a photo of Dewey on the new couch.